Monday, July 11, 2011

Plan as well as structure of a Low Cost Function maker

The Function Generator is deliberately used in the research laboratories. This instrument can provide three types of waveforms viz. sinusoidal, triangular and square waves. The frequency range of this Function Generator is DC to 200 kHz and the amplitude range is 0-10 V (peak-to peak). In addition, the clock signal (DC to 200 kHz) can also be obtained from this instrument. However, all the waveforms are available from the 50 ohms output socket. In addition, the Function Generator is able of producing the 5V clock signals having the frequency extending the range from DC to 200 kHz. In fact, this Function Generator has been calculated in a cost effective way.
In order to obtain all the waveforms viz. sinusoidal, triangular and square waves, the waveform generator chip 8038 has been used. In fact, the 8038 is a monolithic included circuit (IC) capable of generating sinusoidal, triangular and square waves with high accuracy. The requirement of amplifying the waveforms follows from the fact that the production waveforms do not maintain the similar amplitude levels. To meet these requirements, voltage amplifiers have been used. In order to get the waveforms at a minimum level of 0.1 mV, a decade attenuator has been included in the circuitry in five decade ranges. The output section is a discrete complementary emitter follower circuit. This can offer low noise, good small signal handling capability, excellent high frequency response and a constant output impedance of 50 ohms.

Still there are the possibilities to increase the amplitude levels of the waveforms. Interestingly, the instrument has been constructed in the laboratory in a cost effective way. The overall cost of our designed Function Generator is relatively low (about 50%) compared to the imported one.

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